Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya will travel to Seoul, Republic of Korea, and Jakarta, Indonesia, from March 16-22, to strengthen collaboration on democracy; support human rights and global humanitarian cooperation; and fight corruption and human trafficking.
In Seoul, Under Secretary Zeya will join Secretary Blinken at the third Summit for Democracy, hosted by the Republic of Korea. She will give remarks at the Day 2 opening ceremony on March 19, underscoring the U.S. government’s commitment to supporting civil society and human rights defenders. In addition, the Under Secretary will give keynote remarks at an event, organized by the Governments of the Netherlands and Denmark, to highlight the importance of upholding information integrity online. She will open a hybrid side event, highlighting the importance of cross-sector partnerships to promote anti-corruption.
While in Seoul, Under Secretary Zeya will meet with senior officials, civil society, and educators to deepen collaboration on advancing democracy and human rights, anti-trafficking efforts, and global humanitarian efforts.
In Jakarta, Under Secretary Zeya will further advance bilateral cooperation under the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership announced by President Biden and President Widodo in November 2023. She will visit the American Space at Istiqlal Mosque and the St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral to promote interfaith dialogue. The Under Secretary will also engage senior government officials and civil society leaders on our joint partnership to protect human rights for marginalized groups, combat human trafficking, and strengthen rule of law.
For further information, please follow @UnderSecStateJ on X.
Official news published at https://www.state.gov/under-secretary-zeyas-travel-to-the-republic-of-korea-and-indonesia/
originally published at Politics - JISIP NEWS